Free Up Baby Bonding Time: A Tech Guide for New Parents
Becoming a parent for the first time always comes with a ton of new responsibilities and stresses:
You’re suddenly responsible for a new life (especially ensuring your baby gets fed and changed on time)
You’re suddenly battling through new routines alongside your partner
You’re suddenly pressed for time as you figure out the best ways to efficiently complete new chores
And one day, while you’re in the midst of shouldering these new tasks you realise…
“Am I spending enough bonding time with my baby?”
This is every parent’s nightmare: to be caught up in the daily activities only to realise you’ve been separating yourself from your child.
Kids grow up fast. Blink twice, and they’re all grown up!
What we’ll be sharing will help you save time in two ways, the first being reducing time crunch and the second is increasing productivity at home – both of which will greatly impact the way you deal with matters at home and how you keep track of time.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
1. Automating tasks
This might seem obvious for major tasks like chores, which is why home tech products like robot vacuum cleaners are so popular!
However, people underestimate the power of saving time in the little ways.
For example, let’s talk about cleaning baby products, most commonly, baby bottles.
While prepping milk may not take so long, the time that follows to wash, sanitise, and dry bottles can quickly add up.
Assuming each complete wash cycle takes about 30 minutes, and with milk feeds every three to four hours, that can easily become a couple of hours each day, even with two bottles and less frequent washing.
The solution? Automating this menial task with a baby bottle washer!
This baby bottle washer from Harnes SG thoroughly cleans, dries, and sterilises multiple baby bottles in just an hour! No more hand washing, separate sterilisation, or air drying.
The best part? You get more than extra hours to bond with baby at home.
You also save a ton of money and space by using less water, and storing bottles in the built in drying rack!
Get yours by ordering one from Harnes SG here.
2. Eliminate repetition
It’s one thing to automate tasks, but you’ll come to realise that certain tasks are just more repetitive than others, and eat into your time throughout the day.
One example - diaper disposal.
Diapers after use tend to take up a LOT of space during disposal just because of their design.
Having to double bag them and constantly replacing trash bags results in plenty of back breaking work throughout the day, leaving you even more tired and distracted from what’s important - spending precious bonding time with your baby!
One way to get around this investing in a simple diaper pail that can easily hold all those diapers that quickly accumulate throughout the day with a standard trash bag size.
Plus, they tend to smell great too, which makes that precious bonding time cleaning baby more enjoyable!
3. Make sure info is always at your fingertips
Admit it, you’re used to wasting a couple of minutes searching info that you aren’t quite sure is accurate or not.
Things like when you’ve last fed baby, when your last pump was, even how long baby last slept!
While it’s tempting to throw everything into your phone notes, this makes gathering info a logistical nightmare when you want to track certain things, time your next feed, or prepare details for your doctor!
Fortunately, as we say, there’s an app for everything.
Baby tracker apps are plentiful, and if you use iPhone, the Baby Feed Timer by Fehners Software LLP for iOS has been rated #1 for mums in the UK!
With a push of the button, you can let your stresses over numbers slip away, and give your full attention (and time) to baby for more bonding!
So there you have it – three useful tips to help you reduce time crunch at home while improving productivity!
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Stay safe and happy parenting!
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